Sophia Pinheiro

Sophia Pinheiro is a visual thinker, interested in visual politics and poetics, of the body, markers of difference and decoloniality, mainly in ethnic, gender and sexual contexts.

Sophia Pinheiro

Sophia Pinheiro is a visual artist, doctor of Cinema and Audiovisual (PPGCine-UFF), master in Social Anthropology (PPGAS- UFG). She mainly works in the following areas: visual arts; processes of creation, practices and artistic research; illustration; ceramics; engraving; graphic design; art & technology; video art; audiovisual and cinema; visual anthropology. She was a bag artist in the Formação e Deformação-Emergência e Resistência 2019 program of the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage (RJ). Currently circulating in national and international film festivals with his first media-metragem TEKO HAXY - imperfect being co-directed with the Mbyá-Guarani filmmaker Patrícia Ferreira Pará Yxapy and with the work Nhemongueta Kunhã Mbaraete. She has won awards as a visual artist and filmmaker, her works in Visual Arts have been exhibited in the Brazilian Northeast, Southeast and Center-West, in addition to countries such as Argentina, Paraguay, Spain and Germany. In 2018 she held her first individual exhibition MÁTRIA in Barcelona (ES).

Sophia Pinheiro on advaya