advaya is a transformative learning platform exploring the interrelated fields of ecology, culture and consciousness.
Our offerings explore the multiple realities we find ourselves in, nurture purpose and belonging, and help us navigate pathways towards lives of meaning, connection and presence. Unique online and in-person experiences are guided by the leading hearts and minds of our time in order to transform how we relate to each other and to the world around and within us.
As part of our blossoming multimedia ecosystem, you’ll find courses, community membership, events, podcasts and blogs on topics such as spiritual ecology, artificial intelligence, regenerative economics, animism, mycology, intersectionality, mythology and much more.
In a time of increasing polarisation, binary thinking and dogmatism, we are creating space for generative collective inquiry and collective imaginging, asking questions with compassion and curiosity, reawakening wonder, and stirring the realities our hearts know are possible.
advaya was born in 2015 when sisters Ruby Reed & Christabel Reed asked: What if we saw the ecological, social, political, personal and spiritual crises as invitations to change and opportunities to evolve? Ruby and Christabel had been dedicated yoga and meditation practitioners but felt disheartened by the wellbeing world, which focused almost solely on personal development while environmental and social justice, the very foundations of wellbeing, went unacknowledged. Similarly, it seemed that the activist communities they were coming into contact with had little engagement with personal wellbeing or spiritual practice, and they were witnessing high levels of burnout, anger and despair. Rather than outer and inner transformation standing in opposition, Ruby and Christabel understood that these were two sides of the same coin and that both were necessary for the changes our world is calling for. They wanted to know that they were not alone in their dreams and vision for a world where people and planet thrived. In September 2015 they organised their first gathering and invited Satish Kumar, Mick Collins, Nick Jankel and Stewart Gilchrist to come to The Tabernacle in Notting Hill, London, to explore changemaking, purpose and joy. They were joined by 150 others and advaya was born.
Some 400 events later, plus countless retreats, festivals, and online courses, advaya finds itself at an exciting juncture as an emerging leader in the transformative learning space. With a team of multi-skilled women spread out across the globe, advaya delivers radical, timely, and heart-led programmes to an international community seeking to unite across borders and carry the knowledge gained via our offerings out into the world. We are lucky to be joined along the way by a roster of incredible teachers, artists, activists, practitioners, and leaders of all kinds.