Anwulika Okonjo

Anwulika Okonjo is a global social impact strategist and communications consultant, especially passionate about working with women-led businesses/organisations and women/youth/African/black people focused initiatives across a broad range of issue areas.

Anwulika Okonjo

Anwulika is a social entrepreneur, brand, impact and digital strategist whose work focuses on storytelling, knowledge-sharing, and community-oriented innovations to influence social and systemic change.

She combines rigorous strategic thinking with creative flair to develop inventive brands, products and campaigns. Anwulika also curates learning experiences, media projects and events with world-renowned thinkers and change-makers that have given hundreds of people globally access to regenerative conversations and deep explorations of the most pressing issues of our time.

She works to critically interrogate societal relations/issues, including in the social internet ecosystem, while harnessing the power of liberatory practices, community engagement and digital technologies to facilitate critical dialogues and knowledge-sharing in just, healthy ways.

Anwulika Okonjo on advaya

Anwulika Okonjo articles