The alchemy of change

The alchemy of change

This talk was given by Glennie Kindred at the advaya event 'Shifting Consciousness'.

This talk looks at our current beautiful shift into Holistic Consciousness, as we begin to embrace our sense of unity with all life, and how this is manifesting in both our personal lives and in our relationship with life around us; and our changing relationship with the Earth and ways we can explore new forms of communication and relationship between ourselves and the rest of life on Earth, once we drop our separation barriers. This Shift in Consciousness opens the way for receiving deep wisdom from the plants, the trees, the birds, animals and insects, and the rocks of our land, and taps into our sense of deep time and deep belonging. We are also able to peacefully enter into the Imaginal Realms and journey into our own inner world of deep wisdom, spirit guides and archetypes.

Each thought we have, everything we say, feel and do has resonance and is part of the whole and we are the creative alchemy of change and manifestation. The more we feel our interconnected selves, the more interconnections manifest!

We will explore ways to anchor this shift into our everyday lives, through simple, daily practice of loving kindness, affirmations, conscious intentions and personal rituals that help us to stand in our own truth with the interconnected dance with all life. Central will be our ability to consciously develop this shift in consciousness, and work with the natural and abundant flow of our life-force energy, to manifest the future and create the changes we wish to see happen, both personal, communal and global.


Glennie Kindred Picture

Glennie Kindred is the author of twelve books on Earth wisdom, creating ceremony, native plants and trees and celebrating the Earth’s cycles.

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