Freediving as a spiritual path and practice

Freediving as a spiritual path and practice

Talk by four-times free-diving world record holder Sara Campbell given at the advaya event Beyond Limits: Power of the Mind, Power of the Body.

In Sara’s fascinating and quite literally breath-taking talk she explains the mental, emotional and spiritual journey that she went on from London-based, chronically ill PR-girl, to four-times World Record holding free-diver, living in the desert on the Red Sea in Egypt. Sara speaks about how free-diving is not the adrenalin-fuelled, high-risk sport many people make it out to be. It is a process of deep meditation, aligning the body with the vibration of the ocean and tapping into its deep innate wisdom, one which is at one with Nature, as we recognise we are part of Creation. Sara practices and teaches free-diving as a spiritual path and in this talk shares her profound insights of the potential for humans within Nature when we interact with Her on Her terms. This is where the magic occurs.


Sara Campbell Picture

Sara Campbell is a British freediver and former holder of four depth world records, her deepest dive ever being to 104m on one breath. Fusing her spiritual practice and her explorations to the depths of the ocean on one breath, Sara created a unique teaching philosophy to guide people beyond their fears; not only to greater literal depths in the ocean but towards their true potential, peace and joy. Using freediving as a metaphor for how we live, Sara embodies our connection with the ocean as human beings, our own biology guiding us back to innate wisdom, and deep connection with nature.

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