An Autopoietic Gaia: biopoetics, creativity, and meaning-making on Earth

An Autopoietic Gaia: biopoetics, creativity, and meaning-making on Earth

Ahead of advaya’s upcoming online course, Biocivilisations, we speak with two scientists and authors who are weaving together the worlds of biology and philosophy to reinvigorate the science of life, and invite us all to reconsider what we think we know about nature, Earth, and the living world around us. We look towards symbiosis as the rule of life, the inherent creativity in all living beings, and the implications of these on how we see the world. What happens if we understood Gaia as autopoietic, enlivened, making meaning?


Dr Andreas Weber Picture

Dr. Andreas Weber is a biologist, philosopher, nature writer, and mystic. He focuses on a re-evaluation of our understanding of the living.

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Dr. Predrag Slijepcevic Picture

Dr. Predrag Slijepcevic is a senior lecturer at Brunel University London with 25 years teaching experience and a bioscientist investigating the cognitive side of the living world.

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Tammy Gan  Picture

Tammy (she/her) is an activist-in-progress and digital creator and communicator, based in sunny, tropical Singapore.

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