A time with no fathers: fathering, patrimony and eldership

A time with no fathers: fathering, patrimony and eldership

What does it mean to father a culture, and how can we, regardless of where we are on the spectrum of masculinity, participate in this fathering? In this module, we explore the role of culture and community in providing initiatory pathways towards growing up masculine, and/or into men. What happens when there are few initiated men, and an absence of holding? Attempts to reconstruct rites of passage are operating within this crater, and can remain stuck in its fundamental limitations.

How might we collaboratively, life-givingly, initiate and liberate generational men’s work?


Ian MacKenzie Picture

Ian MacKenzie is a filmmaker and writer who lives on the Salish Sea with his partner and young son.

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Stephen Jenkinson  Picture

Culture activist, worker, author ~ Stephen teaches internationally and is the creator and principal instructor of the Orphan Wisdom School, co-founded the school with his wife Nathalie Roy in 2010, convening semi-annually in Deacon, Ontario, and in northern Europe.

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Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta Picture

Jhaimy is a Traditional Curandero (Healer) from Cusco, Peru.

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