Course modules
Legendary and Historical Witches
In this module, we will explore stories about legendary witches, such as Tlachtga, Mongfind, Libuše, and Hei∂, in tribal Europe.
Names of the Witch: Wisewomen, Knower, Seeress, Healer, Diviner
Modern “Western” culture is saturated in demonized concepts of the witch, having been stripped of knowledge about authentic cultural practices in its own past.
Witchen Herbal Lore: healing, ceremony, and connections to goddesses and faeries
In this module, we will delve into oral traditions around sacred herbs and trees, healing practices, and ceremony.
Wands, Cauldrons, and Crystal Balls in archaeology and the written record
In this module, we discover that themes we know from fairy tales do have a historical basis, as demonstrated by archaeology and historical texts.
The Witches’ Goddess
In this module, we will delve into folk traditions of the Witches’ Goddess, as she manifests as divinity, faerie, spirit of land and water—and as ancestor.
Witch persecutions and their cultural legacies
This module explores the historical phenomenon of witch persecutions from the late medieval period through the early modern era.
Live Conversations
A limited-time opportunity for you to discuss the contents of the modules with your classmates and Max Dashu herself!
A limited-time opportunity for you to discuss the contents of the modules with your classmates and Max Dashu herself!