Each module contributes to a journey to expand and empower your knowing mind, and toward eradicating the delusions and deceptions of europatriarchal knowledge through exciting feminist ways of seeing reality. Sensuous knowledge is present, alive knowledge, and the sessions will be playful, interweaving disciplines, temporalities and cultures. The sessions will include rituals, prompts and practices, and there will be an introduction to a new paradigm shifting tool each week. Conversation and exchange lie at the heart of the course.
Course modules
The Master’s Tools Will Not Dismantle the Master’s House
The Yoruba pantheon and it’s playful sagacity; how Europatriarchal Knowledge entangles us into delusions and deceptions; an inquiry into paradigm shifts; the illumination that becomes possible through feminist thought; paradigm shifting tool: Sensuous Knowledge
Sensing Into Sensuous Knowledge
How to think, feel, dream, and find ways into sensuousness; transgressing Binaries, Dichotomies, Dualisms; Mind or Matter?; Sociopolitical Desires and Erotic Economies; paradigm shifting tool: The Kaleidoscopic Method
What Black Feminism Knows
The radical wisdom of black feminism; intersectional knowledge and power Black feminist poetics; multitudes, gardens and tapestries; paradigm shifting tool: Epistemic polyamory
Blue Is a Feminine Colour in Africa
Ancestral protofeminist knowledge; explorative practice in colour as pedagogy; further deconstructions in patriarchal knowledge; feminism, power and self-realisation; paradigm shifting tool: Exousiance
Finding Voice in a Europatriarchal World
Transgression vs transcendence; writing from your centre; the wandering voice; intellectual, emotional, soulful, political and embodied at once; paradigm shifting tool: “Doing beauty”