Contemporary Spirituality

Contemporary Spirituality

Meaning and Mysticism in the Modern Age

Explore the foundations of meaning and belief in the modern world, connections between the sacred and profane, and topics including altered states, eco-spirituality, and sacred activism. You will learn how to navigate through these confused times with a greater understanding of spirituality and its place within our intersecting ecosystems of meaning.

This course is curated by Hannah Close


This course gathers some of the leading minds of our times, including John Vervaeke, Eddy Elsey, Vanessa Andreotti, Gabes Torres, Timothy Morton, Dougald Hine, Jules Evans, Alexander Beiner, Clementine Morrigan, Nora Bateson, Adam Aronovich, Elizabeth Oldfield, Reverend Jen Bailey and Vandana Shiva. Click into each module to find out who is teaching each session.

Course modules

Eddy Elsey, Nora Bateson and John Vervaeke

Eddy Elsey exploreS how we can view our culture in a more meaningful light, and how our journeys from cultural tribe - to family - to community have sacred undertones that can bring healing personally and collectively. Nora Bateson's session will explore the meaning crisis. John Vervaeke's session explores how what we believe in and seek meaning from is continuously evolving, and will ask questions about the power and purpose of belief and meaning during these challenging times.

Vanessa Andreotti and Gabes Torres

Vanessa Andreotti discusses the concealed influences shaping our lives by examining the ‘Church of Consumerism’ and our culture of consumption. Gabes Torres explores themes of appropriation and the transcultural exchange of spirituality. Both teachers emphasise the need to confront truths about ongoing colonial legacies, pursue reparations where possible, and finding ways to minimise complicity while still connecting to spirituality/the sacred. They highlighted unpacking parasitic impulses and interrogating internalised hierarchies.

Timothy Morton and Dougald Hine

Timothy Morton delves into ‘Dark Green Religion’ - an emerging spiritual perspective that intertwines eco-spirituality, environmentalism, and the sacredness of the natural world. Dougald Hine explores the reawakening of interest in Western spiritual traditions and a necessary shift away from cultural appropriation.

Jules Evans and Alexander Beiner

Jules Evans explores how we alternate between excessive aversion, excessive fetishisation when it comes to the ecstatic, and will ask questions about 'ecstatic literacy'. Alexander Beiner discusses what it means for psychedelics to go mainstream in a way that transforms society instead of being captured by its worst aspects.

Clementine Morrigan and Adam Aronovich

Clementine Morrigan examines the intricate interplay between identity, influence, and the evolving landscape of our digital world in the context of spirituality. Adam Aronovich delves into 'Conspirituality'.

Elizabeth Oldfield and Reverend Jen Bailey

Elizabeth Oldfield discusses whether or not we are witnessing desecularisation and a new age of new spiritual openness? Reverend Jen Bailey explores spiritual innovators working at the horizons of this new frontier and forging new pathways for the generations to come.

Course information

In the midst of a rapidly changing world marked by climate change and fragmentation a paradigm shift is unfolding.

While the modern Western world has long been characterised by its secular and materialistic orientation, a growing number of people, dissatisfied with a fractured culture, inaction and consumerism, are turning to spirituality, or rather rediscovering it, to help navigate complex issues of our time. This convergence of spirituality with the challenges of today reflects a profound shift in how people seek solace, purpose, and solutions in a world of uncertainty.

During this course, you will learn about the foundations of meaning and belief, the connection between the sacred and the profane, the history of spirituality, altered states, eco-spirituality and sacred activism, the confluence between the online world and new age belief, and, ultimately, how to navigate your way through these confused times with a greater understanding of your own spirituality and its place within the intersecting ecosystems of meaning.

It is not advocating for a particular spiritual worldview or tradition. Instead, this course aims to gather people from many traditions and none to assess how our spiritual reorientation is going and where we might place more energy into it - whether to confront that which needs to be changed or uplift that which is generative.

The 'meaning crisis', a term coined by philosopher John Vervaeke, highlights the alienation, disconnection, and existential unease experienced by many in the modern world. This crisis arises partly from the erosion of traditional belief systems and the struggle to find coherent narratives to take their place.

As an inherent part of human nature, spirituality has always expressed itself in our actions - to love and to self-reflect is to roam in the realm of spirit - however, the sectarian infrastructure of modern society has left us with little choice but to construct plasticised, commodified, and abstracted forms of spirituality.

Social media has substituted living communities with parasocial relationships, our connection with the sublime has been replaced with spirit-numbing substances, and our relationship with nature has been usurped by technology. These interventions aren't all bad, but the absence of other sources of spiritual connection in their wake has left a hole in the hearts of many, causing us to lose sight of ourselves, each other, and our ecological home.

We've not lost our instincts to believe. Instead, materialism is revered and many worship at the altar of celebrity. Messiah complexes abound, while the deification and apotheosis of tech gurus continues unimpeded.

Spirituality, in its healthy form(s), offers a framework for exploring profound questions about the nature of existence, our broader connections with the planetary ecology, and our individual and collective search for purpose, providing us with generative sources of meaning far more robust than the temporary dopamine hits found in consumerism. If a crisis of meaning sits at the core of all other crises, then it is no surprise that many seek to lay the foundations of action with spiritual roots.

An increasing number of people are seeking spirituality beyond the perceived confines of traditional institutions, some of which have historically been dogmatic, divisive, and exclusive. Spiritual practices from Eastern cultures, such as yoga and meditation, have become extremely popular. Outside the Yoga Shala, such practices are now being integrated into activism, offering tools to manage stress, cultivate resilience, and foster dialogue, while plant medicine ceremonies are becoming routine among artists as well as business people.

The resurgence of interest in ancient wisdom traditions highlights the pursuit of direct spiritual experiences and a rediscovery of timeless truths that transcend dogma and rigid belief systems. Many are embracing spiritual practices rooted in indigenous wisdom and Eastern philosophies to develop a more sustainable relationship with the environment.

The existential threat of climate change has forced many to confront the interconnectedness of all life on Earth. Eco-spirituality, a growing movement, emphasises the interconnectedness of all life and encourages a deep reverence for nature. It offers a framework for understanding environmental issues as moral imperatives, rooted in the idea that caring for the Earth is a spiritual duty.

Integrating other forms of spirituality into modern Western culture is not without its challenges. It can lead to the commodification and appropriation of cultural traditions, where ancient wisdom is repackaged and sold as a quick fix for modern problems, while indigenous people are fetishised and further exploited. Furthermore, there is a risk of spiritual bypassing, where spirituality becomes a means to escape difficult emotions or avoid taking tangible action on pressing issues.

Nonetheless, integrating other forms of spirituality into modern Western culture, as well as reviving traditions originating in the West, can foster positive change when approached with sincerity and a commitment to ethical principles. It offers a path towards greater empathy, environmental responsibility, and a renewed sense of purpose.

Course Includes

6 Modules
2 Reflection sessions
12+ Teachers
Curated readings and reflections
Community discussion area
Video, audio and supporting transcriptions


Nora Bateson Picture

Nora is an award-winning filmmaker, writer and educator, as well as President of the International Bateson Institute, based in Sweden.

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Hannah Close Picture

Hannah is a writer, photographer, curator and researcher exploring philosophy, ecology, culture and being alive in a world of relations.

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Eddy Elsey  Picture

Eddy is a British Shamanic Practitioner focused on making authentic spiritual wellness accessible to those living in the modern world.

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John Vervaeke Picture

John is an award-winning professor at the University of Toronto in the departments of psychology, cognitive science, and Buddhist psychology.

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Vanessa Andreotti  Picture

Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti is a Brazilian educator and Indigenous and land rights activist. She holds a Canada Research Chair in Race, Inequalities and Global Change at the Department of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia.

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Gabes Torres Picture

Gabes is an essayist, organiser, and psychotherapist. She completed a Bachelor’s in Historical Theology & Philosophy and a Master’s in Theology and Culture.

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Timothy Morton Picture

Timothy is Rita Shea Guffey Chair in English at Rice University.

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Dougald Hine Picture

Dougald is a social thinker, writer, speaker and the co-founder of the Dark Mountain Project and a school called HOME.

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Vandana Shiva Picture

World renowned intellectual and advocate for the preservation and celebration of biodiversity against genetic engineering and the negative impact of globalisation. She is an important voice in favour of people-centered, participatory processes; support to grassroots networks; women rights and ecology. Time Magazine identified Dr. Shiva as an “environmental hero” in 2003, and Asia Week has called her one of the five most powerful communicators of Asia.

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Jules Evans Picture

Jules is the Director of the Challenging Psychedelic Experiences Project and author.

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Alexander Beiner Picture

Alexander is an author, journalist and facilitator focused on bringing new ways of seeing and being from the margins of culture into the mainstream.

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Clementine Morrigan Picture

Clementine is a socialist-feminist writer, educator, and public intellectual based in Montréal, Canada.

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Adam Aronovich Picture

Adam is a doctoral candidate in Anthropology and Communications.

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Elizabeth Oldfield Picture

Elizabeth is a writer, consultant and podcast host with a passion for intelligent public engagement on issues of reconciliation, identity, and healing our common life.

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Reverend Jen Bailey Picture

Jen is an ordained minister, public theologian, and national leader in the multi-faith movement for justice.

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Key learning outcomes

  • Learn about different spiritual traditions and where they find their place in the context of our current moment
  • Better understand how spirituality provides productive ground for individuals and communities to build meaningful actions and movements
  • Question dogmatism and explore spiritual perspectives
  • Explore the relationship between belief, meaning, identity, culture, community and spirituality
  • Better understand the differences between religion and spirituality