This course gathers some of the leading minds of our times, including John Vervaeke, Eddy Elsey, Vanessa Andreotti, Gabes Torres, Timothy Morton, Dougald Hine, Jules Evans, Alexander Beiner, Clementine Morrigan, Nora Bateson, Adam Aronovich, Elizabeth Oldfield, Reverend Jen Bailey and Vandana Shiva. Click into each module to find out who is teaching each session.
Course modules
Eddy Elsey, Nora Bateson and John Vervaeke
Eddy Elsey exploreS how we can view our culture in a more meaningful light, and how our journeys from cultural tribe - to family - to community have sacred undertones that can bring healing personally and collectively. Nora Bateson's session will explore the meaning crisis. John Vervaeke's session explores how what we believe in and seek meaning from is continuously evolving, and will ask questions about the power and purpose of belief and meaning during these challenging times.
Vanessa Andreotti and Gabes Torres
Vanessa Andreotti discusses the concealed influences shaping our lives by examining the ‘Church of Consumerism’ and our culture of consumption. Gabes Torres explores themes of appropriation and the transcultural exchange of spirituality. Both teachers emphasise the need to confront truths about ongoing colonial legacies, pursue reparations where possible, and finding ways to minimise complicity while still connecting to spirituality/the sacred. They highlighted unpacking parasitic impulses and interrogating internalised hierarchies.
Timothy Morton and Dougald Hine
Timothy Morton delves into ‘Dark Green Religion’ - an emerging spiritual perspective that intertwines eco-spirituality, environmentalism, and the sacredness of the natural world. Dougald Hine explores the reawakening of interest in Western spiritual traditions and a necessary shift away from cultural appropriation.
Jules Evans and Alexander Beiner
Jules Evans explores how we alternate between excessive aversion, excessive fetishisation when it comes to the ecstatic, and will ask questions about 'ecstatic literacy'. Alexander Beiner discusses what it means for psychedelics to go mainstream in a way that transforms society instead of being captured by its worst aspects.
Clementine Morrigan and Adam Aronovich
Clementine Morrigan examines the intricate interplay between identity, influence, and the evolving landscape of our digital world in the context of spirituality. Adam Aronovich delves into 'Conspirituality'.
Elizabeth Oldfield and Reverend Jen Bailey
Elizabeth Oldfield discusses whether or not we are witnessing desecularisation and a new age of new spiritual openness? Reverend Jen Bailey explores spiritual innovators working at the horizons of this new frontier and forging new pathways for the generations to come.